API Endpoint Security

asvin components expose their services using RESTful API endpoints. They are secured using Jason Web Token(JWT). It is required to obtain a JWT from OAuth server. Only thereafter the endpoints can accessed successfully. The Login API endpoint is used to get JWT from OAuth.

Device Signature

The device_signature used in the The Login API is a hashed-based message authentication code (MAC). It consists of cryptographic hash function (HMAC-SHA256) and secret key. In psuedocode, it can be illustrated as HMAC-SHA256(key, message). Here, message is timestamp+device_key and key is customer_key. So, the device_signature is calculated as

device_signature = HMAC-SHA256(customer_key, timestamp+device_key)

The customer_key and device_key are acquired from Customer Platform. One needs to make a account there. The code block below shows the device_signature generation.

timestamp=$(date +%s)
device_signature=$(echo -n $timestamp$device_key | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac $customer_key)
echo $device_signature